Welcome to our freshest Meet The Maker profile! Jackie Jennings is the brain child behind super cool brand Ovae. At the EPM we pride ourselves on supporting local designers and entrepreneurs - they may not make all of their items with their own two hands but they work tirelessly with small villages overseas making their ideas and creations come to life, ethically and sustainability. Western culture is merged with world wide influences creating one of a kind pieces unique to the Australia craft landscape. We are very lucky to have such talented people at the EPM and be able to give you a little look into their world......
Tell us about yourself and what you do at the EPM
I'm a creative dreamer, mama bear, travel enthusiast who is incredibly inspired by the world and the people and places that encumber it. I design and source accessories and lovely things for your abode, with the essence of countries afar always at the helm.
When did you know you first wanted to be a designer?
Well I had a nighty as a little girl that once read I'm a roamer and I LOVE shopping I guess my need for travel and scouring the globe for inspiring finds and creating things came from a young age. When I finished secondary school I remember asking my mum if a job existed in the world where I could travel and shop and source and collect and create?? Her answer was of course darling! There is a job out there for everyone, no matter how obscure or out of reach it may seem.
What inspires you to be creative?
Travel. People. Music. Colour. Wine.
Describe your perfect day?
Waking up somewhere exotic or remote, a far away land with my baby girl and my hubby Timmy. The perfect day would include, coffee, markets, authentic people, discovering something breathtaking, water, live music, wine, dancing and lots of laughter.
What is your best ever creative moment?
Only one? Hmm. I don't know. For me it's more that feeling I get deep in my tummy when I find something on a trip or get an idea to transform something into a beautiful creative piece. I love transforming something old, a piece of history into a modern functional piece that has relevance and presence in our modern day world. It's that butterfly feeling deep in my gut that drives and inspires me everyday to create.
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen?
I don't really watch scary movies, but that's only because my hubby can't watch them! He's going to hate me for sharing that!
What's your favourite childhood book?
Oh dear. I don't know! I think my most favourite stories were the ones that came out of my fathers mouth, you know the ones that were made up as he went along. It always involved me riding a horse and wearing a tutu so in my eyes this was the IDEAL story and a better story that any book could produce!
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
I'm sure there has been lots of advice but you know I never seem to remember things like that! I just keep trusting my gut and believing that I'm on the right path & there are definite bumps and roadblocks along the way but you need to remember they are there for a reason. If they weren't, we would never learn and we'd continue to tread life in a very uneventful way.
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood?
No particular band or musician to get the creative juices flowing, just my iTunes on shuffle or Double J whilst I work. I LOVE music, but it's more to keep me company whilst I create. I'm a very visual person so I find the best creative mood stimulator would be a spectacular smack bang in my face visual to start the day! And of course a coffee.
Jackie is also holding her very first solo photography exhibition at Yerring Station in the Yarra Valley. Its called Colour, Culture, Character and exhibits 81 images spanning 9 countries and 10 years! Open until the 29th March 2015.