Tell us about yourself and what you create... I'm Millie, some peninsula chick kicking about in the big smoke and I make pretty shiny things that release super powers such as turning you into a mermaid and transporting you into another dimension filled with iridescent jellyfish. To enhance these powers put glitter on your nipples and run around naked!
When did you know you first wanted to be a jewellery designer? When I fell deep into an opal and it hypnotised me with it's crazy colours! I've always been a lover of colours first of nature, then an obsession of translating that with paints and now in finding it in magic objects.
What inspires you to be creative? Things that shine, that are beautiful and other worldly, transportive to a place where Aphrodite is queen.
Describe your perfect day... Lounging in the sun and sleeping until I can start to feel my skin be kissed by the rays. But I would get bored after a while, adventures await, there are places to be, things to be made, mojitos to drink!
What is your best ever creative moment? Too hard basket question.
Describe a lesson you learnt from creative failure... It's not always romantic as it seems, sometimes you burn yourself or hammer your fingers
What's the scariest movie you have ever seen? Don't watch scary movies, if I do I have to sleep with my house mates for the next two weeks, there boyfriends don't appreciate it. My favorite movie is Harold and Maude though!
What's your favourite childhood book? Most people don't know this but Shrek was a children's book before a movie, it's awesome. It's all written in poetic verses and it's super cheeky. It's hard to find it anywhere and I lent my copy to Auntie Nelly ages ago and she still hasn't given it back... I hope she's reading this!
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you? Don't know, but I know my mum said it. She says all the things I need to get me on my way.
What's your favourite tunes to get you in the creative mood? Chic - I danced on stage with them and kissed Nile Rogers once - true story!
Connect with Millie Savage
Thanks so much Millie for this super fun insight into your creative world! Millie has also been amazing and offered up a pair of her incredible Star Moon Studs (RRP $70) for our very 1st 12 Days Of Christmas giveaways for 2014! To win these out of the world earrings all you need to do is like the Millie Savage Silver facebook page and leave a comment below the Millie Savage Silver giveaway post on the EPM facebook page - easy!!!! еКIf you would like more chances to win you can like her on instagram too for an extra entry!! Good luck - I just wish I could enter too!!!! xo